Employment Contract Request

Employment Contract - Request 

A quote will be provided to you following completion of your details below. 

First Name

Last Name

E-mail Address

Phone Number

Company Name and Structure.

Business Address

Applicable Modern Award or Enterprise Agreement (if known).

Employee Award or Agreement Classification/Level (if known).

Company Pay Cycle.

Which day of the week or date of the month does the Company's pay cycle begin and end? Example: Wednesday to Tuesday or 16th to 15th of the month
Which contract/s do you require? 

Will your employee be required to work at multiple locations?  

What hours will the employee be working? Please include days of the week, hours each day and expected start and finish times if known. 

Is your employee required to complete a timesheet?

 Will your employee accrue rostered days off (RDO's)?

Is your employee being paid a salary or an hourly rate?

Are you paying any additional monetary amounts on top of the employees hourly rate or salary? 

Do you provide your employee with any of the following? 

Does your employee require any of the following licences and registrations?

Do you undertake annual performance or wage reviews? 

Do you want to include a restraint of trade and/or non solicitation clause?

These clauses prevent an employee from approaching the Company's clients or joining competitors for a specified period after leaving, safeguarding the business's interests and confidential information. Note: restraint of trade does not apply to casual employees.

Do you want to include a non-disparagement and/or confidentiality clause?

A non-disparagement clause prevents an employee from making negative statements or comments about the Company.

Additional Information.