
Making your life EzieR.

Drafting Employee Management Wages and Entitlements  General 
Employee Communication / Letters Redundancy / Consultation for Major Change Award / Agreement Coverage and Interpretation Advice Minimum Obligations / N.E.S Advice 
Contracts / Variations Disciplinary / Misconduct Classification / Level Review  Outsourced HR/ER Services
Process / Management Guides Performance Improvement / Management   Underpayment Calculations / Wage Reviews Employee Meetings 
Employee Handbook Capability / Medical Capacity Wage and Allowances Advice  Single Matter or Ongoing Assistance 
Policy Drafting / Review Grievance Management / Investigations  Salary / All Inclusive Rate Guidance  Help With New or Current Legislation
Email / Written Advice  Coaching / Guidance Union Assistance Basic WHS / OHS Guidance

Free Consultation - Prospective Clients. 

At EzieR we believe there is a direct correlation between our understanding of you and your business and our capacity to make your life easier. To help us get to know you and your business we offer a free initial consultation (30-60 minutes), during which we hope to gain a better understanding and appreciation of:

  • You and your business. 
  • Why you got into business and what motivates you to continue.
  • Your employees and workers (if any).
  • What you want to achieve and where you want to take your business.  

We will then look at the opportunities for EzieR to make your life easier and discuss these with you, as well as confirming those key points in writing.

Click here to request a consultation. 

Assistance with Specific Matters.

  • Want to a review of your employees entitlements, modern award coverage for the business or just want to check a rate of pay?
  • Need a contract for your new or existing  team members? 
  • Not sure how to handle a grievance raised by an employee?
  • Unsure how to support an employee with ongoing medical or mental health concerns?
  • Do you have an employee who has never really performed well in their role or a team member who keeps making costly mistakes? 

Whatever the circumstance may be (and the above are just a few examples), EzieR is here to make things easier for you. From guidance on how to conduct meetings and drafting formal communication through to attending or conducting those meetings with you; EzieR is here to help and to support you. 

Click here to contact us or here to request a contract. 

Ongoing Employment Relations and Human Resources Support.

Could you or your employees benefit from ongoing employment relations and human resources support? Would you feel more comfortable if your employees were able to contact a trusted adviser with any questions or concerns they may have about things in the workplace?

Have you been thinking about hiring an employee to undertake a human resources role internally, or do you have a current HR employee that could use some support?  

Contact us today and take the first step to an easier life!